What Do Professional Badges Mean?

What Do Professional Badges Mean?

What Are Badges?

Professionals can now be awarded badges for exceptional Knowledge, Teamwork, and Timeliness, as well as for good attendance and for how many shifts they’ve completed.

What Are Badges For?

Badges highlight each professional’s strengths and the value they bring to your office.

These badges will appear on their profile and the candidate selection page. By awarding badges, we can help you find the best professionals!

What Kinds of Badges Are There?

The ratings Badges are awarded to highlight a professional’s strengths in these three categories and help other offices recognize their excellence. You can award one of each per shift.

The Shifts Completed badge showcases how many shifts a professional has worked with GoTu.

The Attendance Badge is awarded for consistently strong attendance, and is a reflection of a professional’s attendance score.