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How to Increase Dental Office Efficiency

Increase Dental Office Efficiency

mConsent and TempMee have officially partnered together to support the dental community with an even higher level of service. We’re collaborating to streamline dental office efficacy and organization. While mConsent automates front office operations, TempMee fulfills staffing needs.

Paper-based systems continuously create front-office burnout, data entry errors, and patient frustrations at dental practices nationwide. mConsent’s paperless innovations have opened the door for improved efficiency, staff productivity, and patient satisfaction.

Over 5000+ practices, and 3.7 million patients have utilized mConsent’s paperless forms, witnessing an average of 35% reduction in documentation time, 80% less waiting room time, and $60K in annual savings for practices! Seamless integrations with Open Dental, Eaglsoft, Dentrix, and Dolphin simplify the process to provide you with an automated right hand.

mConsent’s suite of paperless solutions continues to expand, accommodating the needs of growing dental practices. From the ever-popular online intake forms to Automated Insurance Verification, the innovative list of products continues to exceed the dental industry’s demand.

With staff shortages becoming a concern at dental offices, TempMee has provided a long-term, nationwide solution.

TempMee is a popular Dental Staffing App for quickly filling short-term & permanent dental hygienist & assistant positions. It was designed to fill open, temporary professional positions with local, qualified talent by replacing the traditional “sub-list” dynamic. There are no monthly or upfront fees or rules about shifts length/pay, plus a national average 60% fill rate.

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